Books Like No Other | In Deo Gloria
George M. James is a pseudonym for an author experienced in counter-terrorism and counterinsurgency in sub-Saharan Africa. He has written over 60 books on these subjects, military history, and more. This blog explains his motivations for writing.
In the GMJ Series, you can learn about Covert Operations, Special Forces techniques, political analyses, and lesser-known military history. Each GMJ Book is based on historical facts and often predicts events later covered by mainstream media. Police forces worldwide, including SWAT teams, use many of GMJ's books for training.
GMJ Books are well-researched and contain substantial truth, potentially altering your views on counter-terrorism and espionage. George M. James' works are widely read by military veterans globally. Note that GMJ does not claim service in South African Army or Police Special Forces.
Regarding my books:
"I make up my opinions from facts and reasoning, and not to suit anyone but myself. If people don't like my opinions, it makes little difference as I don't solicit their opinions or votes." - William Tecumseh Sherman.
GMJ does not write politically correct books. For what I have to say in my books, it was Martin Luther that stated:
“I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me God. Amen.” And so it will be,
George M James​
53 Books in Order of Publishing Date
1. Code Name VFO565
2. Code Name Pour Angelique
3. Code Name Phoenix
4. Code Name Lise
5. Code Name Dawson
6. Code Name Foxtrot
7. Code Name Angel
8. Code Name Odette
9. Code Name Sanford
10. Code Name Honey Bee
11. Code Name Devorah
12. Code Name Willow Bay
13. Code Name Missa 72
14. Code Name Cadillac
15. Code Name Blue Tang
16. Code Name OST-M
17. Code Name Wrangler
18. Code Name Casselberry
19. Code Name Bella Dawn
20. Code Name Green 41
21. Code Name Celery 50
22. Code Name Caribbean
23. Code Name Butterfly
24. Code Name Phantom
25. Code Name Mel’s Choice
26. Code Name Halloween 38
27. Code Name Anika
28. Code Name Lucy
29. Code Name Moonlight
30. Code Name Oath 19
31. Code Name Ghost
32. Code Name Jen
33. Code Name Alphabet 32
34. Code Name One Alpha
35. American Military Might – Debunked
36. Code Name Ndebele 14
37. Code Name Dawn
38. Code Name VET 101
39. Code Name Angelique
40. Code Name GSSP-40
41. Code Name Mélisse
42. Code Name Wednesday 7
43. Code Name Unbutton
44. Code Name Rebecca 65
45. Code Name Swan 53
46. VOICES – War Crimes USA
47. GMJ Intelligence Briefing
48. Code Name Masemole 26
49. Code Name July 27
50. Code Name Love 72
51. OATH OF EVIL - The War on Protestantism
52. SW Sierra Whiskey - Ten Years in South African
Special Forces (with SW Fourie)
53. Code Name Crocodile